A letter to my younger self

     My first assignment from my therapist was to write a letter to my younger self. The first thought I had was "where do I begin?!" and then I felt a wave of sadness. How do you speak to the little vulnerable girl inside of you? Afterall, she'll always be there. It made me so much more conscious of how I speak to myself and how necessary it is to be gentle to myself. 

A letter to my younger self

Age: 6-24 years old

     I want you to know your worth. I know that you were never taught it but you have to dig deep down inside yourself to find it and when you do, hold onto it. Just because people you love most do hurtful things to you, please know that it's not your fault. Hurt people, hurt people. Don't let heartbreak make you hard because that is lonely. You are funny, caring, loving, fearless, intelligent, beautiful and you deserve all the love in the world. I know you yearn for your mom and wish to do all the things together that all your friends do with their moms, but sometimes, even moms dont know how to be a mom. Her best will not be your best when you become a mother. I am sorry that this is how it is for you because every child needs both of their parents. You will be okay though. Don't worry so much, it won't change anything anyway. I want you to know that you have everything inside of you that you will ever need. Don't search outside of yourself for love because it's inside you, I promise!! No boy can make you "complete" and never tolerate being mistreated because that is not what love looks like. Love does not hurt or make you feel small. People deserve second chances because people can change if they want to, but don't listen to their words more than their actions. Please don't lose yourself while waiting on a miracle for a person you love to change. When you grow up you will learn things about your own family that will break your heart. It's important to remember: their burdens are not yours to bare. Take care of yourself emotionally, mentally and physically. If you feel sadness creeping in, make sure you talk about it because it is easier to deal with burdens right away rather than holding them inside and letting all the negative feelings build up. You don't have to fix everything, it's not your job to. It's okay to lean on people and to ask for help when you need it. You don't have to go at this life alone. Never say you can't and always give it your all. Embrace your greatness and let your light shine bright! "The sun never apologizes for blinding people"☀ Love yourself fiercely too because noone can ever love you like you can love yourself. 💛

May you be happy and free.
Love, T

 [[this photo is the little girl I remember and that I am writing this letter to]]

[[this photo of my tribe and I is so powerful. It's a reminder that I am not alone in this life. It takes a village to survive and this is mine.]]


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